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Friday, January 7, 2011

Recent important changes

I made a sitemap for my blog that tells you where what's situated. It's put up above as a separate page. 
Also, I did away with the elaborate facts about myself in 'About Me'. I realized it got pageviews not because of its quality but just because people thought it would tell them something interesting about me. But it contained facts that most people wouldn't have patience to read about, plus I already have my Blogger and Google profiles. So I changed that to 'About' and introduced myself more as a person instead of putting up loads of trivia, and then outlined the beliefs, objectives, and expectations behind this blog and my philosophy about blogging.
Tthe Rule-ettes page became much more informal, as this is a life blog and I don't want it to look like those value education classes that I despise. Hope these changes will help you like my blog better. 
And attempts have been made to add some more quirky custom stuff in addition to the gadget titles, for example the new message in the comment form (go see it for yourself, ha!). I also enabled commenting on all the stand-alone pages, as opposed to just on the 'About' page, so you can now speak your mind about any content then and there. 
I would also like to inform you that generalized reactions on the whole blog, or any other feedback or communication otherwise not provided for, are very much welcome as comments on the 'Contact Me' page, if you prefer not to contact me by e-mail, etc.


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