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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wallpapers 15 & 16

Yes, I decided to give you the numbering of the wallpapers. I have been numbering them since the first one; these are the 15th and 16th, both done by taking a base pattern, selecting similar parts of it and filling them with another suitable pattern, until I got the desired effect. Sometimes when the image had too many vertical components (which is never good for wallpapers) I added a pattern which was rich in horizontal components.
Add to that some dodging and burning, some moving and copying, and you have this:
It looks nicer than I first thought it would. It looks like a decent mosaic-like design on the desktop.
And if you cut out on the dodging and burning, and go for lots of flipping and rotating (and undoing and doing that lots of times), you get something like this.
That one looks much better in the original size. I have no idea why the thumbnail looks so... messy.


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