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Monday, April 4, 2011

Conspiracy Inc.

The cover in which
I read the book
I finished reading The Lost Symbol. This Dan Brown guy is superb. In the previous two Langdon books he did deal with controversial topics, but this one beats them, with it's background story set in a more modern time, and the greater number of complex emotions, deaths, shocking revelations, and plot twists. It smells typical Dan Brown, of course. Taking advantage of the same conspiracy theories that his protagonist hates so much. He's taken full advantage of the aura of mystery that surrounds Freemasonry. Reminds me of all the Freemason-themed eerie games I've played. By the way, I just found out that the game referred to in Angels & Demons, called 'Illuminati: New World Order' actually exists. I don't know if it was made after the book or before.
Edit: Remember the Freemasonry connection in the last Sherlock Holmes novel The Valley of Fear?
(Image: Google)


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