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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gratitude 5 : Spring Forward, Fall Back

Dedicated to people who risk their own well-being to protect that of others. Pretty self-explanatory, I guess.
Spring Forward, Fall Back

You dig your heels into the horizon
And latch on to the setting sun.
Your fingers ache, your muscles tear
As the wintry ground shirks away in fear
From the last rays of lively warmth
That keep our spirits awake;

The chill numbs body, the gloom lulls mind
In the blinding mist the innocents find
False dreams of comfort they can't resist.
But up on the rooftops you persist,
To live your one and only dream
Of keeping their dreams alive:

On the tips of your hurting toes you stand
And gather in your calloused hand
The lights of a million fiery stars --
And keep them, safe, beneath your scars --
Not once flinching from the heat,
Not caring if it burns.

Under your skin they crackle and boil
And grow, as, hours on end, you toil;
And you smile, for every second of pain
Translates to the innocents' gain
(When they wake, come summertime)
Of an hour of daylight.
If you don't get the poem, it is probably because you don't know that 'Spring Forward, Fall Back' is a term associated with DST, which is not followed in all countries -- including my own, actually.
I also tip my hat to all the great English Literature textbook poets who have ingrained in me the idea of comparing war to winter and peace to summer -- notably James Kirkup.


Unknown said...

Good effort..
Just that a following edit is suggested :

The chills numbs "the" body

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