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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Gonna unload some old poems

It turns out that a lot of my poems lie unposted, so I shall start posting them one by one. Here's this, from about 1.5 years back. Time sure does pass strangely during this pandemic.



When I see into your soul
Hope screams like a wounded beast,
A vulture, long of carrion starved,
She throws herself into the feast.

Then, she flies -- exultant, crude --
For she sees you look at me;
But Reason sees you grin and bear
That which is not meant to be.

Hope and Reason, rival wolves,
Battle for this battered throne
That I have nursed within my breast,
Secretly, for me alone.

When the wartime siren sounds,
To each, a different song it chimes:
Hope, she hears of bliss and love,
But Reason hears the end of times.


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