I really wonder how people do such horrible things. Do they have no self-respect? These pictures are beautiful, and Adele's property. How can they claim it? How can they use the photos of a baby just for their own gains? Just like Adele said, I request you to take a look at the thumbnails she has provided of all her photos, and inform her if you see her photos being used, as she hasn't given permission to anyone; also, please boycott companies who use them in advertisements. Also, please read her book when it reaches your country. It's due in 2012.
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
Featured Rollblog 3
It's a blog where Adele Enderson from Helsinki posted innovative pictures of her baby Mila. She tried to guess her baby's dreams and arranged various stuff around her to depict it. All of her photos are masterpieces, and Mila's Daydreams is a Blog Of Note. The Facebook page also has loads of fans, and many people have done the same thing with their babies.
You must be puzzled by all that past tense in the beginning. Those stem from a really sorry affair which shocked me and many other fans of the blog. Adele's latest post contains a picture with a crying soft toy, with no baby in sight. She tells us in the post that she has faced serious copyright infringements, including people claiming her work as their own or removing her watermark and advertisements using her baby's photos without permission. Thus she has decided not to post any more daydreams. Her blog content will be of a more general nature henceforth.
I really wonder how people do such horrible things. Do they have no self-respect? These pictures are beautiful, and Adele's property. How can they claim it? How can they use the photos of a baby just for their own gains? Just like Adele said, I request you to take a look at the thumbnails she has provided of all her photos, and inform her if you see her photos being used, as she hasn't given permission to anyone; also, please boycott companies who use them in advertisements. Also, please read her book when it reaches your country. It's due in 2012.
I really wonder how people do such horrible things. Do they have no self-respect? These pictures are beautiful, and Adele's property. How can they claim it? How can they use the photos of a baby just for their own gains? Just like Adele said, I request you to take a look at the thumbnails she has provided of all her photos, and inform her if you see her photos being used, as she hasn't given permission to anyone; also, please boycott companies who use them in advertisements. Also, please read her book when it reaches your country. It's due in 2012.
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Other Blogs
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Wealth That's Ours
India hosted the Commonwealth Games for the second time, in the capital Delhi this year. In spite of some hiccups that come into any large-scale event, the Games managed to impress all those involved, from within and outside India. Though I didn't manage to catch the whole of them, the opening and closing ceremonies filled my heart with pride. What with that aerostat which dominated both the events, the wonderful way quaint India was showcased in the opening, and the delightful fireworks in the closing. And I think every compatriot of mine felt the same way as the Games brought pride to the hosting country, as well as to the rest of the Commonwealth, with the wonderful performances and breaking of records that we witnessed. The Games strengthened India's bid for the Asian and Olympic Games.
However, that isn't the point. The point is, what is that thing which separates a good worker from a spoilsport when people work together? The two kinds of people are there everywhere, be it a school project, a government or a major sporting event. Like in any team event, the two kinds both get their share of duties according to their abilities. They both are under the same supervision, same benefits, same troubles, and they both get to share the credit when the job at hand is done well. Then why?
I guess the reason lies in the different ways in which they view wealth. Some give importance to everything they can personally gain from the venture-- money, revenge, fame -- 'The Wealth That's Mine'. Mine, mine, all mine. Who cares if we all get good grades or our country gets praised? I want my money, I want her grades to be low. I care about me, only me, and no one but me. That's their solemn promise.
The other group cares only about the venture, the pride which can come to the lot, the grades which can benefit everyone involved -- 'The Wealth That's Ours'. Ours. Our country's pride and esteem. Our team's grades. Who cares if I make a few sacrifices? We get the praise! As a team, as a nation, as a group of people who worked together to make the impossible, possible. That's the pledge with which they set out on a job. And that is what brings success to their venture. That is what separates them from the spoilsports who ruin everything.
What is that? That is the real spirit of Commonwealth, which is nothing different from the spirit of teamwork that our elders taught us. Togetherness, realization that glory to one brings glory to all. India, next time you get to host something, remember this. People who're reading this in coffee break, next time your office gets to organize something, remember this. Students, remember this when you do team projects. Talking of near future, Glasgow, remember this when you host the next CWG.
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Chile Inspires, Chile Teaches
They stayed there, fear hung low around them, for months which seemed like years. Down there, they couldn't afford to remember their differences. They had to share what they received from above ground, and to support each other the best that they could. That one man who had pathological training had to help the doctors above collect samples. A lesson in humanism and sharing.
So many people worked together to save them. Doctors, engineers, workmen, fellow miners, ministers... and so many more prayed in their homes for their safe rescue. So many even risked their own lives in the rescue. A lesson in selflessness, teamwork and compassion.
That girl didn't run off to find someone else when she heard that her boyfriend was trapped in the mine with very less hope for survival. She proposed to him via the messages they could send below, and now they're reunited and engaged. A lesson in love.
The Chilean President gave them hope and assured their dear ones of their safety, even after the ministries had lost hope. The miners, with a little help from the psychologists, never lost their zeal. A lesson in optimism and determination.
The rescue of the Chilean miners: a lesson in how trivial are those things to which we give so much importance in daily life; how, the feelings human beings have for their fellows, and the belief they have in themselves and others, are much more important; how the risk to life can, instead of bringing out the worst, often bring out the best in human beings; how, if we put in our efforts to the fullest, we can do the impossible.
Chile inspires to work and to hope, Chile teaches, "We can achieve".
--Inspired by a post on Written Inc.
LoudSpeak Labels:
Life's Lessons/Inspiration,
Other Blogs
Friday, October 8, 2010
New Blog
I found that I couldn't express my love for doodle challenges enough in this blog without overshadowing other topics. So I made a doodle-special blog.
A feed from there will soon hit this blog. Keep visiting (this one and that one)!
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